Network Advisor – End-of-life

End-of-sale Chassis

You can see all End-of-sale chassis using the menu Devices -> End of Sale Chassis.

You can filter the End of Sale chassis by Date.

End-of-sale Modules

You can see all End-of-sale modules using Devices -> End of Sale Modules

You can filter the End-of-sale modules by Date.

End-of-life Chassis

You can see all End-of-life chassis using Devices -> End of Life Chassis

You can filter the End of Life chassis by Date.

End-of-life Modules

You can see all End-of-life modules using Devices -> End of Life Modules

You can filter the End-of-life modules by Date.

Andre Gustavo Lomonaco

works for IBM Brazil in the last nine years on network delivery team. He holds certifications from many network technology vendors.The content in this blog represent individual views, not those of IBM.